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2023 AVS Orthodontics V-Book 1
1 Orientation 2023
1.1 Ikigai (16:02)
1.2 Comfort Zone (17:21)
1.3 Steve Job speech (22:19)
1.4 AVS orthodontics (12:21)
1.5 Orthodontic Instrument (14:54)
1.6 Lab program (12:20)
1.7 PDF
2 Introduction in Orthodontics
2.1 What is Orthodontics (12:45)
2.2 Orthodontic Prevention (21:57)
2.3 Angle Classification (21:13)
2.4 Patient seek (17:53)
2.5 Psychosocial problems (16:26)
2.6 Muscle Win Concept 1 (12:22)
2.7 Muscle Win Concept 2 (12:40)
2.8 PDF 1
3 Wire Bending
3.1 Physical Properties (13:04)
3.2 Stress and Strain (20:18)
3.3 Measurement Unit (16:00)
3.4 Niti wire (15:26)
3.5 Clinical Application (12:50)
3.6 Wire diameter and properties (21:12)
3.7 Clinical use by extrinsic factor (14:06)
3.8 Wire bending lab (20:29)
3.9 three plane of space (23:35)
3.10 PDF
4 Oral Examination Guideline
4.1 Abnormal and Disease (14:09)
4.2 Data Collection (14:15)
4.3 Problem Base Approach (20:14)
4.4 Pregnant and Orthodontics. mp4 (18:35)
4.5 Clinical Examination (18:08)
4.6 Lateral Profile Examination (16:17)
4.7 Macro Esthetics. (13:16)
4.8 Mini Esthetics (15:39)
4.9 Facial Pattern (13:30)
4.10 Lip Profile (15:17)
4.11 Smile Variables (15:28)
4.12 Buccal Corridor (16:36)
4.13 Micro Esthetics (14:40)
4.14 Angle Classification (15:38)
4.15 Functional Analysis (12:41)
4.16 Tongue (11:50)
4.17 Speech (8:08)
4.18 Mouth breathing (22:20)
4.19 Study Model Analysis (17:09)
4.20 SCA (24:05)
4.21 Diagnosis Setup (20:25)
4.22 SCA Example (14:11)
4.23 Photography in Orthodontics (8:33)
4.24 Basic Orthodontic Record taking (15:43)
4.25 Why take photo record (17:27)
4.26 Dental Mirror (11:35)
4.27 Photo taking Technique (11:57)
4.28 Patient Preparation (10:44)
4.29 Radiographic Cephalometry (14:53)
4.30 Dental Models (16:11)
4.31 Models Triming (13:28)
5 Cephalometric Analysis
5.1 Introduction mp4 (17:09)
5.2 History of Reference Plane (10:43)
5.3 Anatomy (12:02)
5.4 Skull Anatomy (13:50)
5.5 Lateral aspect of skull (23:17)
5.6 Cephalometric line and point (16:01)
5.7 Reference plane (22:31)
5.8 Franfurt Horizontal Plane (19:00)
5.9 Four point linear measurement (12:02)
5.10 Distance to vertical (10:35)
5.11 Facial Type and Head Type (15:06)
5.12 Cranial base Analysis (17:21)
5.13 Max-mand Analysis (17:09)
5.14 Horiontal line to determine vertical variation (20:54)
5.15 Growth Rotation (14:25)
5.16 Inclination and position of Dento-aveolar (14:36)
5.17 Wits Apprisal (20:31)
5.18 Mc Namara Analysis (17:03)
5.19 How to use Mc Namara.mp4 (15:41)
6 Soft tissue analysis and Clinical application
6.1 Introduction (17:16)
6.2 Reference Plane (17:27)
6.3 Max and mand soft tissue (13:18)
6.4 Facial height (11:03)
6.5 Why to learn cephalometric analysis (13:36)
6.6 Cephalometric Diagnosis (17:14)
6.7 Orthognathic (14:22)
6.8 Orthognathic 2 (21:33)
6.9 Rethognathic (16:18)
6.10 Prognathic (12:36)
6.11 Setup case (16:58)
7A Biomechanics in Orthodontics
7.1 Introduction (16:03)
7.2 Center of mass (10:53)
7.3 Center of resistance (11:20)
7.4 Force (12:23)
7.5 Handling of force (14:50)
7.6 Line of force (18:41)
7.7 Center of rotation (21:19)
7.8 Moment of force and moment of couple 1 (15:42)
7.9 Moment of force and moment of couple 2 (10:11)
7.10 Moment of force (20:16)
7.11 Moment of couple (22:52)
7.12 Mc in Removable appliance (12:12)
7.13 Force system (14:47)
7.14 Equivalent force system (12:19)
7.15 M/F ratio (20:48)
7.16 Static equilibrium (11:13)
7.17 Pre torque (10:30)
7.18 Clinical app 1 (12:16)
7.19 Clinical app 2 (13:41)
7.20 Clinical app 3 (7:58)
7B Creative v-bend
7.21 Introduction (13:51)
7.22 Force system (16:39)
7.23 One couple force system (21:53)
7.24 Two couple force system (19:49)
7.25 Multiple couple force system (10:56)
7.26 Type of basic creative v-bend (14:37)
7.27 Creative V-bend analysis (19:05)
7.28 Step bend (12:26)
7.29 VS Bend (12:42)
7.30 VS Bend 2 (14:04)
7.31 Combination of step bend and v-bend (17:24)
7.32 V-bend analysis (14:45)
7.33 Static equilibrium (13:55)
7.34 Static equilibrium and v-bend (16:38)
7.35 Summary of v-bend static equilibrium (13:52)
7.36 Clinical application (18:20)
7.37 Clinical application (11:05)
7C Loop and spring design
7.38 Loop and spring design (17:57)
7.39 Moment force ratio (15:45)
7.40 Spring objectives (19:27)
7.41 T- loop (19:32)
7.42 T-loop adjustment (14:58)
7.43 Expansion (19:39)
7.44 Sliding and non-sliding mechanics (13:58)
7.45 Comparison (14:23)
7D Friction
7.46 Friction (11:35)
7.47 Type of friction (12:02)
7.48 Bracket and friction. (13:17)
7.49 Slot width and width (13:54)
7.50 Force delivery (11:40)
7.51 Friction in SL (10:50)
7.52 SL and normal bracket (14:44)
7.53 Binding effect (12:15)
7.54 Secure ligation (11:43)
8A Bracket Selection
8.1 Bracket Selection Introduction (13:22)
8.2 Six keys to normal occlusal (15:05)
8.3 Crown inclination (12:34)
8.4 Curve of spee (13:59)
8.5 Andrew's prescription (15:17)
8.6 Bracket specification (14:32)
8.7 FACC buffer (15:22)
8.8 How bracket works (18:08)
8B Roth and MBT bracket วันที่ 8,9-11- 66
8.9 Roth prescription (14:57)
8.10 Roth functional occlusion (14:17)
8.11 Roth Overcorrection (16:07)
8.12 MBT (13:47)
8.13 MBT torque (11:02)
8.14 MBT Incisors tipping (13:49)
8.15 Passive chain (14:09)
8.16 Cuspid Molar (17:02)
8.17 How to select bracket (12:40)
8.18 Torque in Orthodontics (18:33)
8.19 Torque Play (14:29)
8.20 Real Working Torque (26:31)
8C AVS Bracket ที่ 22,23-11- 66
8.21 AVS Bracket selection (11:33)
8.22 FACC (13:15)
8.23 Occlusal plane and FACC (17:34)
8.24 Inverted bracket (18:16)
8.25 Torque (10:16)
8.26 Bracket Design (12:28)
8.27 Clearance and Play (9:36)
8.28 Torque Expression (11:11)
8.29 Real Working Torque (12:40)
8.30 RWT 2 (16:21)
8.31 RWT Management (11:41)
8.32 Advantage of Torque selection (21:30)
8.33 Example 1 (15:49)
8.34 Example 2 (17:19)
8.35 Example 3 (18:45)
8.36. AVS bracket torque (14:41)
8.37 How and when to play torque (14:55)
8.38 Clinical example 1 (17:03)
8.39 Clinical example 2 (17:45)
8.40 Clinical example 3 (19:35)
8D Bracket Position
8.41 Bracket position introduction (12:47)
8.42 Tooth Morphology (13:13)
8.43 Reference line (17:32)
8.44 Bracket position technique (23:50)
8E Self ligation bracket
8.45 Self ligation bracket Introduction (17:53)
8.46 SL and Friction (14:08)
8.47 SL evolution (19:01)
8.48 Type of SL1 (16:49)
8.49 Type of SL 2 (18:56)
8.50 SL and sliding mechanics (16:22)
8F Damon System
8.51 Principle1 Facial Base Tx Plan (26:59)
8.52 P2 Arch Expansion (12:42)
8.53 Arch Expansion 2 (23:01)
8.54 Adaptation Expansion (15:49)
8.55 Gain Space (16:31)
8.56 Location of Expansion (15:29)
8.57 P3 Raising Bite (12:26)
8.58 P4-5 SELE, Light force (11:50)
8.59 P6 NiTi Wire (24:22)
8.60 P7,8 Sagital Correction, Retention (18:30)
8G Biomechanics in Damon System
8.61 Force Management (15:52)
8.62 Friction (22:32)
8.63 Lip bumper Effect (17:03)
8.64 MEAW Technique (14:14)
8.65 Torque Control (19:01)
8.66Treatment Setup (50:06)
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4.22 SCA Example
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